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New Years 1 Theme FREE Digital Stationery

To save your FREE A4 size stationeries, right click and "Save Target As..." on the text links under each thumbnails

The jpg files are for creating your own A4 FREE stationeries and FREE scrapbook journaling pages using journaling or word processing software such as OpenOffice.

The pdf files are for printing and hand writing on your FREE Stationery Downloads.

The .dot files are for Microsoft Word stationery.

free A4 new years themed stationery countdown to midnight   stars adn bars stars and bars with fireworks patriotic holidays  

A4 New Years 529   A4 New Years 530

A4newyears529.jpg    A4newyears530.jpg

A4newyears529.pdf    A4newyears530.pdf

A4newyears529.dot    A4newyears530.dot


clocks and wine bottles clocks and wine romance for dating nights   bubbling cats black cat in a wine glass tiny bubbles in the wine  

 A4 New Years 531  A4 New Years 532

A4newyears531.jpg     A4newyears532.jpg

A4newyears531.pdf     A4newyears532.pdf

A4newyears531.dot     A4newyears532.dot



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